What stage are you at

First time contracting, Contracting for a while, Switching accountants, or moving from an umbrella to your own Ltd Company - We’ve got you covered.

Where will I find work

When starting out most freelance contractors use recruitment agencies to find their first few contracts. Over time you will build up a base of clients who will start coming straight to you. It is always a good idea to ensure your CV, LinkedIn page, show-reel or portfolio is fully up-to-date - this will really help you to secure that next contract.

We recommend that you source a domain name that is relevant to your business trading name e.g. www.jct-designs.co.uk. You can then run this as your email address e.g. tom@jct-designs.co.uk which is more professional than using tom@hotmail.com

It also allows you to set-up a small but well designed website to show potential clients exactly what you specialise in. This is a great way of getting your CV and portfolio out there and can easily be shown on your LinkedIn profile where literally hundreds of recruitment consultants will have a chance to see it.


This information is for general information only. We take no responsibility for any action taken or refrained from in consequence of its contents. Always seek our professional advice specific to your circumstances before acting.